New Rhythms Drumming Circle
New Rhythms Drumming Circle
A free 4 week wellbeing drumming circle that aims to support and encourage adults in rural communities to be creative, gain confidence and connect with others through drumming.
About the Project:
- This is a free 4 session wellbeing drumming circle delivered in partnership by a community drummer (Aidan Dunphy) and an Inspire wellbeing facilitator.
- The programme aims to support and encourage adults in rural communities who may feel isolated or disconnected from their local community.
- We will use drumming to explore personal creativity, boost mental health, gain confidence and connect with others.
- Additionally, each week the group will follow the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing to learn creative and practical ways to prioritise their mental health and wellbeing.
- This REAP funded project is supported by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
When & Where:
Thursday: 3rd, 10th & 17th April and 1st May, 10am – 12pm
- Eskra Community Centre, 167 Newtownsaville Rd, Eskra, Co. Tyrone
Thursday: 3rd, 10th & 17th April and 1st May, 2pm – 4pm
- Murphys on Main Street, 15 Main St, Ederney, Co Fermanagh
Thursday: 22nd, 29th May and 5th & 12th June, 11am – 1pm
- Prospects Court, 5 Prospects Court, Castlederg, Co Tyrone

Please Note: Numbers are limited, so please get in touch early to enquire about getting a place. Registration and Booking will need to be confirmed by Inspire in advance of attending.
Enquiries & Registration:
Jenny Groves, Training Co-ordinator, / 07834181303 or complete the enquiry form below
Downloadable posters: