News and updates
Check out our latest news and updates from team inspire below:
Winter Wonderland at Girdwood Community Hub
On 6th December, over 250 Inspire staff, volunteers and service users travelled to Girdwood...
Leading Towards Wellbeing For All – Inspire’s 2019 general election manifesto
We’ve written a manifesto, Leading Towards Wellbeing For All, for the upcoming UK parliamentary...
Inspire Launches the Recovery Together programme
This week Inspire launched, ‘Recovery Together’ - a programme delivered by Inspire in conjunction...
Local Award Winning Chef Speaks Openly About Addiction
Local Chef Brian Donnelly runs Belfast’s only authentic ramen noodle bar. The multi-award winning...
Co-op Launches Charity Partnership to Support Mental Health
At a time when a quarter of the population experience mental health problems, the Co-op today (10...
Inspiring Small Business to Talk About Mental Health
FSB and Inspire have launched a new partnership aimed at encouraging small business owners across...