On November 19, International Men’s Day (IMD) celebrates the value men bring to the world and raises awareness of male wellbeing.
Men face a range of challenges in society, from concerns around relationships, employment and education to wellbeing and family issues.
In Northern Ireland, almost three in 10 (29%) men reported concerns about their mental health during the year 2022-2023. Well under a quarter (22%) of Irish men consulted a medical professional about in their mental health during the same period.
To mark IMD and open up a path towards self-care and support, the men’s group at our community wellbeing service in Dungannon has created an advice checklist for the young males coming behind them. Check out their tips below:
Don’t let things reach breaking point
Notice when things feel unmanageable or problems seem unsolvable. Recognise your limits, including feeling overwhelmed, struggling to concentrate or zoning out. Talking to someone can help you see beyond how you’re feeling right now.
“We have lost too many good men because they let the issues become bigger than them.”
Never be ashamed to ask for help
Shame is closely linked to mental ill health and can be a barrier to seeking help. However, there’s no reason to feel ashamed. If you need support, reach out for help, stand up, speak out and fight for yourself. You are worth fighting for.
“Finding someone you truly trust to talk about how you are feeling is worth it. Even if it is your local doctor.”
Surround yourself with positive people
We know that strong social connections can lower anxiety. So, find your community. Whether it is in a spiritual or religious setting, a local sports club or even online, surrounding yourself with positive role models who value your individuality can help you build resilience and endure challenges.
“Creating meaning for yourself is not only good for you but others in your community.”
A group of strong, amazing women – mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins and friends – from the same service is offering suggestions around supporting the men in your life.
Always ask twice
Asking twice shows that you care and are ready to listen. The first time might not be the right time but checking in again when you notice the men in your life being a little quieter, or a little more frustrated, can be the exact moment when they feel ready to talk.
“If your husband or son says he’s fine, he might not be. A second ‘How are you?’ can make a big difference.”
Listen (really listen)
Showing that you care and taking what you hear seriously are just a few ways to show support. Let the other person express their feelings and let them know you are there to help. The ability to listen is crucial. Do so without judgement.
You don’t have to be an expert. Find help together
If and when someone opens up to you, it can be daunting. There are some straightforward things that you can do to help. You do not have to fix everything – simply being there is often enough. Go online and try to find information about the services that exist to support people. Or just be next to a friend or family member when they phone their GP.
Our Infoline is a great place to start. We are here for you and those around you. If you’re over 18 and live in Northern Ireland, get in touch with our Infoline service:
- Freephone 0808 189 0036
- Use our webchat inspirewellbeing.org
- Email hello@inspirewellbeing.org
We are open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.