men’s mental health
Recent times have left many of us feeling emotionally exhausted- post-pandemic and now the rise in the cost of living is causing stress, worry and anxiety. We all need to look after our mental health and wellbeing To help, we’re emphasising three key headings for a mental health reboot:
As we look forward, this is the time to rebuild.
One simple first step is to look after our physical health. Enjoy some fresh air, exercise, engage with the world outside and commit to a healthier diet.
Now is a good opportunity to step back and objectively look at our drinking habits – taking positive steps if we need to cut down.
Rebuilding strong routines and healthy habits, will not only strengthen our bodies, but boost our wellbeing too.

We’ve all been concerned with the rise in the cost of living, and that will have impacted our mental health in various ways.
Given the obvious stresses we are all facing – such as healthcare and work priorities, financial wellbeing – it’s understandable to feel like we’re languishing, unable to cope or lacking in motivation.
We can hit the reset button by ‘cutting ourselves some slack’ and concentrating on basic things: self-care, sleep, a balanced diet and physical activity.
Establishing specific, positive and easy-to-reach goals, following a clear daily regime and taking breaks to give ourselves a change of pace; all of these will enable us to focus on the tasks at hand and save us from becoming overwhelmed.
Nor is it necessary to face these things alone.
It’s important that we reach out and ask for help when we need to. If we’re feeling unwell, mentally or physically, speak with a GP or start a conversation and let others know that it’s OK to do the same.
Seek mental health information and resources from reliable sources. There’s so much out there, just a click away. The more we know, the better prepared we will be to face the world once again.
The CommunityWellbeing online hub is a great place to start. It provides a comprehensive range of information, self-help guides and ways to access help to support your mental health and wellbeing. Visit:
Connecting is important because relationships can help us to build a sense of belonging and self-worth, providing emotional support and allowing us to share in positive experiences.
Throughout the process of reconnecting, it is vital to be patient with ourselves.
We can tackle anxieties by controlling what’s controllable, pacing ourselves and not rushing into things we don’t want to do. Setting small challenges every day will build up our tolerance levels and varying our schedules allows us to encounter new situations and different people.