Holding on to Hope in a Changing World
We’ve all lived through a year like no other and the Covid-19 pandemic has affected each of us differently. There may have been some good days and some bad days.
We all live in hope- hope for ourselves, our families, our colleagues and others around us. We all have the power to create hope through action and that is why we are supporting Holding On To Hope, a campaign launched on Monday 6th September by the six Health and Social Care Trusts, NI Ambulance Service & Public Health Agency.
Having a sense of hope helps us to reach our goals in life. Research shows that having hope is a powerful way of supporting mental and emotional wellbeing. It shows that people who are more hopeful:
– Are more likely to achieve their goals
– Do better academically
– Make healthier lifestyle choices
– Cope with and recover from illness much better
– Experience satisfaction in life
– Have a stronger sense of meaning and purpose
Recognising that we all need to have hope for the future, the six Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland have joined forces with the Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) to encourage everyone to hold on to hope, to nurture our mental and emotional wellbeing and to raise awareness of the services that are available to help when times are tough.
‘Holding On To Hope in a Changing World’ is a five week campaign linking World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September to World Mental Health Day on 10th October. Learn more about the campaign here: https://www.mindingyourhead.info/
Accessible via the link above, the campaign pack contains lots of information, hints and tips and links to organisations and services that can support you.
You can also access a ‘Hope Quiz’ to help you reflect on how hopeful you are today. Your score will direct you to a number of resources, including:
– Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing
– Self-Care tips
– Helplines information
– Self-help resources
– Training on mental health
– Information on: gratitude, mindfulness and challenging negative thoughts
– Downloadable promotional materials
Follow the campaign on social media:
FB: Facebook/publichealthagency
Twitter: @publichealthNI
Instagram: publichealthNI
And on Inspire’s facebook/twitter: @InspireWBGroup / @InspireWBProf
Remember, if you are in emotional distress or despair, call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000.
For more information, resources and self-help guides to support for your mental health and emotional wellbeing at this time visit COVID Wellbeing NI: https://covidwellbeingni.info/