Getting in touch with us has never been simpler. 

If you would like to contact Inspire with a general query, please use the form below.

Or you can contact us via email, telephone or address.


Inspire                                           Inspire
Central Office                               Dundalk Office
Lombard House                           Clontygora Drive
10-20 Lombard Street                Muirhevnamor
Belfast                                            Co. Louth
BT1 1RD                                         Dundalk
General Enquiries Form
Please check your Junk Box for a response
This form is for general information only and we cannot respond to all enquiries. Please note this website is not monitored 24/7.

If you are in need of immediate support please ring Lifeline on  0808 808 8000. Deaf and hard of hearing Textphone users can call Lifeline on 18001 0808 808 8000.  If you live in the Republic of Ireland please call the Samaritans on 116 123


Calls to Lifeline and Samaritans are free to people who are calling from UK/Ireland landlines and mobiles.