Inspire Creates New Connections at Campaign Event

Inspire Creates New Connections at Campaign Event

Inspire was delighted to mark the launch of phase two of the If It’s Okay campaign at Parliament Buildings this week, during an event that focused on connecting political leaders with the people who use our services. Service users from across Northern Ireland convened...
Inspire Launches Second Phase of Anti-Stigma Campaign

Inspire Launches Second Phase of Anti-Stigma Campaign

Inspire has opened phase two of the If It’s Okay campaign, which aims to tackle stigma around mental illness in Northern Ireland. If It’s Okay is a joint initiative of the UK Anti-Stigma Alliance. It is being led in Scotland by See Me and in Wales by Time...
Inspire at Imagine! Belfast

Inspire at Imagine! Belfast

We are excited to announce that Inspire will be hosting an event at this year’s Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics. Our free and interactive workshop, Hard to Reach or Hard to Hear?, which will take place in Lombard House at 11am on Friday 28th...