Regrettably, 30th September 2024 will see the end of our Advocacy for All project. Funded by the Department of Health’s Mental Health Fund via the Community Foundation for NI, Advocacy for All was dependent on that fund which has unfortunately come to an end.
Referrals to the project have now stopped and we are working to close existing casework.
We are extremely proud of what we achieved over the last 2.5 years with our talented team of advocates, support staff and our project partners and referral agencies. The key finding from our evaluation show that:
- 3038 enquiries were handled leading either to instant support and signposting to relevant organisations and information, or to a referral into contact with a Mental Health Advocate.
- 10,558 interventions and contact with people using the service. This includes in person meetings, telephone calls, emails and webchat contact.
- 1703 people had 1:1 contact with a Mental Health Advocate
- 147 people completed the Self-Advocacy course – 68 people empowering themselves to become more confident and knowledgeable on their rights, and 79 people who work in community organisations developing their skills to help themselves and others.
While we are no longer in a position to offer face to face or in person advocacy services via Advocacy For All, we will host the continuation of our freephone helpline, webchat and email Information Line offering mental health and addiction information, signposting and help and advice.