Higgins Hollywood Deazley (HHD) Solicitors in Belfast is proud to name Inspire as the firm’s new charity partner for 2023. Together, they hope to raise awareness of Inspire, as well as funds to support the organisation’s services.

Inspire delivers mental health, addiction, intellectual disability and autism services across the island of Ireland. HHD is looking forward to taking part in a variety of volunteering opportunities with Inspire throughout the year, along with participation in its flagship Colour Run fundraising event.

The Oldpark Road firm will also get involved with Inspire’s many campaigns, including Mental Health Awareness week, World Mental Health Day, and Time to Talk Day. Staff have even come up with their own fundraising ideas, from an abseil down the side of the Europa Hotel to a potential sky dive.

Damian Deazley of HHD said:

We are delighted and honoured to partner with Inspire over the coming 12 months. Our aim is to promote awareness of their continuing work around mental health and addiction and to raise funds in support of this vital, worthwhile work.”

Lisa McElherron, Inspire’s Director of Insight, Engagement and Innovation, welcomed the new partnership:

We are delighted that Higgins Hollywood Deazley wants to support Inspire’s work. There is real enthusiasm in the HHD team and we look forward to seeing all the amazing things this exciting partnership will bring. We are so grateful that they’ve chosen to raise awareness and funds for our services.”

If you would like to support HHD’s work with Inspire, you can do so via its Just Giving page:
